Play to Learn
The Tarkine, Tasmania, Australia Copyright © Len Metcalf 2016
Advice on how to PLAY with your Camera and Photography
“Play is how we learn. It Is research, it is experimentation, it is getting away from what you
expect. As children, we play to learn, but as adults, we are at risk at losing this ability to
play, due to our adult thoughts and expectations. The best way to learn how to take
photographs is to take them. Playing with what is possible. It is how we discover new
techniques, new ways of seeing and it is how we discover our own photographic style and
signature. To learn and understand we must play more. Through play we incrementally
Let go the final outcome. Rather than setting out to achieve a photographic masterpiece, set
out to see what you can find visually and what you can create. Explore photographic
variations by creating multiple visual answers, rather than creating just one definitive visual
By Len Metcalf – from Issue 84 (winter 2016) of Better Photography, page 66